Trusting the Process (His Story)

As a child, the idea of one day being into high-intensity sports never crossed my mind. ‘Weight loss’ itself was never something I thought of since I technically never had to – all I did back then was go out on the streets and play with other kids. Then as the years went by, the…

BBG Week 1 Review

By Devina I don’t know why I even thought of this. But after seeing a lot of posts on Instagram on #bbg I got curious. BBG stands for Bikini Body Guide, and it’s been a popular “cult” led by the one and only Kayla Itsines. Big question is: Does it really work? So I told…

Muay Thai Diary: Week 6 & 7 

By Devina Previous posts: The Muay Thai Diary: Week 1, Muay Thai Diary: Week 2,  The Muay Thai Diary: Week 3 & 4, Muay Thai Diary: Week 5 So week 6 went pretty well. It was interesting. I went on Tuesday, and apparently a group of middle aged Japanese ladies joined in. There were five of them, about my…

Muay Thai Diary: Week 5

by Devina To see the progress/struggle:  The Muay Thai Diary: Week 3 & 4, Muay Thai Diary: Week 2, The Muay Thai Diary: Week 1 I decided to go back to training when I got my voice back, sort of. I still sound like a shrew, but at least I wasn’t sore all over like the past couple…