Never a Repeated Offense

My foot in a shoe of yours and I understand your actions I understand all burdensome truths and lies that crowded our initial happiness The lies that sat so elegantly in a corner, with both hands placed on crossed legs and a smile of affirmation So confident that despite the hurdles lifted so high up,…

Scattered pieces of text

Do you believe the words spurred out of confusion? Never directly spoken but harbored in scattered pieces Words said but never altered by shame and mischief Untrue to thy ears but certainly righteous to the listener’s A broken heart emerges from the words – beautifully shattered Later, it is mended temporary back by words of…

A letter to our fidèle followers

Dear fidèle followers of our blog, As you all know – or not, this blog was started by Devina and Daniella as a milieu to showcase our opinions and creativity in a variety of subject areas. We truly cannot believe it has been four years since the idea of this blog was first conceptualized. How…

Lingering Dark Cloud of Thoughts

Unable to move on, unable to stay still Unable to shake the feeling of being wronged Unable to articulate the reason for your discomfort Unable to make others feel at ease in your presence Unable to enjoy life without lingering negative thoughts Unable to let go and truly move forward Unable to see beyond your…