Elite Season 2: Que Ridiculez

So I was so excited when my best friend told me that Elite Season 2 aired, and I watched the entire season twice. I know, I went a little crazy there. And that show blew my mind. Not exactly in the way I thought it would, because my brain is somewhat a mess now. What…

Jessica Jones Season 3: Sisterhood Interrupted

Let’s just remember some of the good things about Jessica Jones. First, and most importantly, the relationship between Jessica and Trish has been one of the greatest assets in this series. And if you didn’t think so, this season proved it. Jess and Trish went their separate ways after Trish killed Jess’s mother in season…

Stranger Things 3: Fireworks My Heart

I watched this season twice. I did not have much social life, that much I could tell you. I mean, how could I when season 3 finally came out? Stranger Things 3 started with some Russian military base experimenting with opening a gate to the other dimension. It didn’t work, so the scientist in charge…

The Long Night: No One Ended It

Game of Thrones gave me a lot of heart attacks. I don’t even know how I survived. What happened, really? I am going to rewatch the Long Night. HBO cursed me. And I am loving it. Season 8 episode 3 of Game of Thrones was insane. Absolutely insane. We last saw Winterfell preparing for a…

The Umbrella Academy: It’s Raining Moon

I did not expect this show to be this good. And I am glad I decided to watch it. It started with a strange occurrence, three decades ago, when some people who weren’t even pregnant suddenly gave birth to special children, kind of like midichlorian Anakin Skywalker out these babies into the world. An eccentric…

Elite Review: Everyone’s Bloody Guilty

Three teenagers got scholarships to attend a school for the rich and corrupt. Samuel the sweetheart, Nadia the conservative, and Christian the wild card joined the elites and struggled while the rich bullied them. Eventually, they started making friends and changing, somewhat becoming more and more like the people they never thought they would be…

Plan Coeur (the Hookup Plan) Review

Elsa (Zita Hanrot) has been struggling to move on from her ex, Max, who is somewhat a part of her group of friends. Her best girlfriends, Charlotte and Emilie, keep telling her to move on and forget about her past relationship with Max. And when things get a bit frustrating, Charlotte decides to hire an…