Revenge Body with Khloe Kardashian

Welcome to the age of healthy lifestyle! Well, at least to me it is. Khloe Kardashian has come a very long way to where she is now. That girl’s gone through hell and back with her personal drama, with her sisters, her mom…s (Caitlyn?), and with everyone else in her way. Typical Kardashian. Yet she’s…

BBG Week 1 Review

By Devina I don’t know why I even thought of this. But after seeing a lot of posts on Instagram on #bbg I got curious. BBG stands for Bikini Body Guide, and it’s been a popular “cult” led by the one and only Kayla Itsines. Big question is: Does it really work? So I told…

Muay Thai Diary: Week 6 & 7 

By Devina Previous posts: The Muay Thai Diary: Week 1, Muay Thai Diary: Week 2,  The Muay Thai Diary: Week 3 & 4, Muay Thai Diary: Week 5 So week 6 went pretty well. It was interesting. I went on Tuesday, and apparently a group of middle aged Japanese ladies joined in. There were five of them, about my…

Muay Thai Diary: Week 5

by Devina To see the progress/struggle:  The Muay Thai Diary: Week 3 & 4, Muay Thai Diary: Week 2, The Muay Thai Diary: Week 1 I decided to go back to training when I got my voice back, sort of. I still sound like a shrew, but at least I wasn’t sore all over like the past couple…

Muay Thai Diary: Week 2

For week 1, here’s the link: The Muay Thai Diary: Week 1 Monday I woke up and felt sick. For some reason, I could not sleep the night before. I finally did, at around 3 AM, and woke up painfully upset with how my whole body was aching. So I decided to push Muay Thai to…